W. Michael Keller is among the top 100 Realtors in Spokane, WA based on 2005 sales in the Spokane Multiple Listing Service. He is known as "Spokane's Only 24.7 Realtor" based on the fact you can always reach Michael via his cell with your wants and needs.
Michael was a former university track and field coach before coming to real estate four years ago. As a 32 year track and field coach he was also at the University of Idaho and coach Olympian Dan O'Brien. As Dan's coach for over 12 years he was the coach, manager and recruiter of Dan through the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Dan won the Olympic decathlon, and was the world and USA record holder.
Try Michael as your "personal Realtor"
Serving Spokane, WA, Cheney, WA, Medical Lake,WA, Liberty Lake, WA, Deer Park, WA, Mead, WA, The Spokane Valley, WA